Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Day - New Day

As 2010 closes, I consider the growth and fellowship I have experienced with Jesus this year through time in the One Year Bible.  I was given this Bible, or one like it, years ago in Little Rock by Linda Simmons, a fellow-member of our church.  What a wonderful gift it has proven to be!

I don't think I have ever been disciplined enough to read every day, but most days Jesus and I have had sweet times in His Word.  What an honor to be loved by Him and love Him back, though feebly at times.

Today, I finished reading Revelation 22, Malachi 4, Psalm 150, and Proverbs 31.

Connections were made as I thought about ...
  • Malachi prophesying about the "great and dreadful day" of the Lord and warns that before it happens we will see Elijah (as Luke 1 relates that  John the Baptist had "the spirit and power of Elijah", maybe??) turn the hearts of fathers to children and children to fathers.  
  • John writing about Christ's return and warning about the Church being prepared and ready; Jesus returns with judgments and rewards
  • The Psalmist having nothing but praise and encouragement for us to praise God
  • Proverbs 31 defining the woman/wife/mother who is prepared and makes sure her family is ready to face any challenge.  She is praised by her children and her husband for her character not just her beauty or charm.

This is what I hear:
  1. Jesus is coming and His reward is with Him for His Church; Husband of the Proverbs 31 wife will praise her for her work and character
  2. The Church, as the wife/bride of Christ, should be prepared for Him as the wife in Proverbs 31 is prepared for whatever comes:  the wife (Church) is to be  wise, strong, industrious, noble, faithful to instruct
  3. Her children (those in the Church) should have great things to say about her; see how she has cared for them and how godly her character; my guess is that she loved them and they knew it
  4. Jesus will allow us into His city; a wife is to receive praise at the "city gate", most "wives" who work hard but have a hard heart to match aren't praised - but those who lovingly give are praised
  5. Families with loving, respectful relationships are critical:  fathers to children, wife/mother; Husband/bride; hearts turned toward each other or consequences will be severe
I strongly believe that the modern day Church has lost its way in building/instructing disciples who are ready for Christ's return and know how to love well at home.  Sunday Schools aren't the answer any more than Community Groups, conferences, websites, or more books.  To prepare the Church/Christ's Bride for His return, we must become "family" - not dysfunctional family but loving family. 

A loving church will be built on loving families led by loving dads and moms...who love God and each other. 

Where are people learning to give and receive love? 
Where are they learning how loved they really are by our Father and how to experience that love deeply, personally?

If, in fact, loving churches are going to happen, we must rely on material resources to a degree but intentionally build people-to-people relationships even more.  When we really "love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength", as well as, "love others as ourselves", the Church will change the culture, and those who watch will marvel at Christ's powerful demonstration of love in "real time".  They will be drawn to Jesus Christ.  Jesus demonstrated love most clearly in His death on the cross on our behalf.  What a Savior!  What a Friend!  What a Lover!

The Church built on the "truth" and "love" of God will be a family of believers with great character, great love, powerful life-change, ready for Jesus to return.  He makes it clear that we are to BE like Him as individuals, so we can represent Him to the world as His Church and lift Him up so all will be drawn to Him.

An Idea:
Maybe God wants us Take Back the Cities/Communities:
  • Have a relevant church where people will come and participate
  • Have relevant, strategic relationship-building (teach how to love) ministries
 I fully believe that if a church did these 2 things, that church would be used of God to take back their city or community out of the darkness of lovelessness into the light of Jesus Christ, our loving Savior.

The Basic Idea Ministries:
Our mission is to "help leaders live loved and give love freely...starting at home".

If we can love our family at home as Jesus loves us, perhaps that is the best place to start changing the world and taking back our cities for God and for the good of our nation.

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